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About Occupational Exposure & Infertility

Effects of occupational exposure on the reproductive system of men and women may become manifest as alterations in sex hormone levels, diminished libido and potency, menstrual disorders, premature menopause, delayed menarche, ovarian dysfunction, impairment of semen quality, and reduced male and female fertility. Toxic exposures can cause direct cell damage in the developing sperm and eggs. Maternal exposure during pregnancy may disturb fetal development by either directly or indirectly interfering with maternal, placental, or fetal membrane functions.


Toxic exposures can induce many wide-ranging effects, e.g. foetal death, intrauterine growth retardation, preterm birth, birth defect, postnatal death, disturbances in cognitive development, and changes in immunological sensitivity, or childhood cancer.


The mother's exposure at work to chemicals may also cause contamination of her breast milk.Some chemicals with hormonal activity, so-called endocrine disrupters, may alter the function of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse reproductive effects, e.g. poor semen quality and damaged reproductive tissues in men and some gynaecological medical conditions in women (endometriosis, benign noncancerous tumors and infections of reproductive organs). Many chemicals, such as polychlorinated organic compounds, pesticides, phthalates, bisphenol A, brominated flame retardants and heavy metals have been identified as being possible endocrine disrupters.


Difference in the timing, duration and dose of exposure may lead to different outcomes.


Miscarriage or birth defects are the principal outcomes if exposure has occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy. Exposure later in pregnancy is more likely to shorten the duration of gestation, reduce birth weight and affect the development of the brain. A lower dose of a toxicant may cause birth defects, whereas a high dose may produce miscarriage or infertility.


Adverse effects on reproduction and development are often the result of exposure during the narrow, vulnerable periods of ovulation, formation of a mature sperm (spermatogenesis) and the formation of organs within the embryo (foetal organogenesis). Some effects may not become evident for years. For example, lead may gradually accumulate in maternal tissue only to be released during pregnancy or lactation. Some toxicants, such as antineoplastic agents (cancer chemotherapy drugs), may reduce the number of female germ cells, leading to a shortened reproductive life span.

Any patient with a positive response on these questions should be counseled to disassociate himself from any environmental or life-style exposure; sperm enhancement treatments should also be considered. These treatments should be followed by a repeat set after 10 weeks (the time needed for a complete spermatogenic cycle).

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Infertility Risks By Occupation:


  • Manganese dioxide- impotence, reduced libido, reduced fertility

  • Glycol ethers- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

  • Lead- impotence, reduced libido, abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, decreased fertility, miscarriage in female partner

Ceramic and Craft Worker

  • Lead- impotence, reduced libido, abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, decreased fertility, miscarriage in female partner

  • Glycol ethers- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

  • Manganese dioxide- impotence, reduced libido, reduced fertility

​​​Chemical Laboratory Worker

Solvents- decreased semen quality, reduced fertility, miscarriage in female partner

Clothing and textile worker

Tris (flame retardant) found in furniture foam, mattresses, textiles, & electronics- reduced fertility

Cosmetic manufacturer or worker

Mercury compounds- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, increase in abnormal sperm, reduced fertility, miscarriage in female partner

Dental care personnel (dentist, nurse, hygienist) 

  • X-radiation- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility, chromosomal or genetic damage

  • Mercury compounds- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, increase in abnormal sperm, reduced fertility, miscarriage in female partner

DES manufacturer and worker​

Diethylstillboestrol- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

Dry Cleaner

Carbon tetrachloride- reduced fertility


Pesticides (dibromochloropropane, kepone, DDT, DECP, carbonyl, DDVP, malathion)- decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

Farm and agricultural worker

Pesticides (dibromochloropropane, kepone, DDT, DECP, carbonyl, DDVP, malathion)- decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

Hairdresser, Cosmetologist, Barber

Nail polish solvents- Reduced fertility

Healthcare Worker

Ethylene oxide (disinfectant), X-radiation- reduced fertility

Utility Worker

  • Ethylene oxide (disinfectant), X-radiation- Reduced fertility

  • Butadiene- Reduced fertility

Storage battery worker

Cadmium- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, abnormal sperm, reduced fertility


  • Cadmium- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, abnormal sperm, reduced fertility

  • Nickel- reduced fertility

  • Manganese dioxide- impotence, reduced libido, reduced fertility

PVC manufacturer or processor

Polyvinyl chloride- impotence, reduced libido, reduced fertility

Printer or graphic designer

Ethylene glycol- decreased sperm count

Photographic processor

Glycol ethers- Glycol ethers- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

Pesticide worker and farmer

Pesticides (dibromochloropropane, kepone, DDT, DECP, carbonyl, DDVP, malathion)- decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

Perfume Industry Worker

Benzene, other organic solvents- Decreased semen quality, reduced fertility, miscarriage in female partner

Medical Personnel (doctor, nurse, aide, technician)

Anesthetic gases, nitrous oxide- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count

Anticancer drugs- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, abnormal sperm, reduced fertility

House Painter

  • Cadmium- impotence, reduced libido, decreased sperm count, increase in abnormal sperm, reduced fertility

  • PCBs- decreased sperm quality

  • Glycol ethers- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility

X-ray inspector, Technician

Ionizing radiation, microwaves- abnormal morphology, decreased sperm count, reduced fertility


Manganese, nickel- impotence, reduced libido, reduced fertility

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Risks By Occupation
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